Sunday, November 11, 2007

Life Recap: Dublin

I haven't been my usual blogging self lately, but here's a little recap of what I've been up to. I traveled to Dublin to visit Jeff (from Georgetown) Tuesday-Thursday and then I had work all day Saturday and today (Sunday), so I've been sleep deprived for a solid 3-4 days. I really need to catch up on work and I'm thoroughly relieved to have no travel plans until my December trip to Prague.

First. At Heathrow, I saw none other than KENNY IZZO at the Aer Lingus Terminal. For those of you that don't know, Kenny Izzo is a Gtown Basketball player that graduated last year. I said "Hi," introduced myself, and we chatted it up for 10 minutes. I heard about his basketball exploits in Mexico, Ireland, and Hungary and it was all pretty surreal. He was a really down to earth guy and was really gracious about being approached by a random person at an airport. He had a bit of a Midwestern accent and I was fondly reminded of the U.S. Sigh. I was sooooooo tempted to get a picture but felt it was too ridiculous. Crazy, right?

Dublin. I see why Jeff compared it to Boston now, since we finished the mandatory site-seeing in roughly three hours. Granted, we did it in Japanese tourist fashion. Get there, take a picture, read a sign or placard about history, and move on. I didn't make the peace sign unfortunately.

You can see all my Dublin pictures HERE on Flickr. I saw major things like... the Spire, Christ's Church, St. Patrick's Cathedral, the Guinness Storehouse, the River Liffey (if that counts), Temple Bar area, Grafton Street, St. Steven's Green, blah blah blah. Jeff was a good tour guide.

Anyways, work is good. I think it satisfies my need for human interaction, since it's basically 20-hours of guaranteed contact with people. Most staff members are 20-30 and from various countries like Hungary, France, Denmark, etc. It's a fun place and it's not as bad as it first seemed when I got trained. We get commission and they keep an eye on how much you sell, so that adds a little pressure to the job. I hate being an annoying sales person and following people around or stalking the till (don't dare call it a register in the UK, people) to tell them that it's MY sale. The first day, I sold 500-600 pounds of stuff and today, I think I sold about the same. As long as I keep around there, I'll be happy. Anyways. I need to sleep and/or do some work. Either.

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